Top 20 NuGet guild Packages

Adds helpers to easily bootstrap an application using conventions by just using the correct extension method. This adds command line operations, additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Adds helpers to easily bootstrap an application using conventions by just using the correct extension method. This adds command line operations, additional configuration, logging and service injections by convention.
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Sets version information using GitVerison variables if available
Adds ci environment based metadata to the assembly via the AssemblyMetadata attribute
Enables sane defaults and work arounds for SourceLink support
Adds support for InternalsVisibleTo as an ItemGroup allowing you to annotate assemblies that should be able to see internals of given assembly. Adds support for AssemblyMetadata as an ItemGroup allowing you to set assembly metadata easily through msbuild
Ensures that JetBrains.Annotations is made available via source (and not publicly exported)
Provides Autofac support for a Rocket Surgery Application, converts the default service provider into an autofac based one
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Provides AutoMapper support for a Rocket Surgery Application
Adds diagnostics command line utilities for diagnosing what conventions are available to be run
A C# API implementation for Ruqqus, an open-source platform for online communities, free of censorship and moderator abuse by design.
Provides a ConventionHostBuilder that can be used during unit tests or anywhere else you wouldn't bootstrap an entire application
Provides DryIoc support for a Rocket Surgery Application, converts the default service provider into an DryIoc based one
Provides DryIoc support for a Rocket Surgery Application
Adds support for loading configuration, services, logging, command line and more via simple and easy to setup assembly attributes
Provides the ability to provide additional commands to the hosted application by convention.
Provides AutoMapper support for a Rocket Surgery Application