Top 20 NuGet grpc Packages
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.grpc:grpc-stub'.
Library description: gRPC: Stub
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite'.
Library description: gRPC: Protobuf Lite

.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.opencensus:opencensus-contrib-grpc-metrics'.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.opencensus:opencensus-contrib-grpc-metrics'.
Library description: null
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.grpc:grpc-api'.
Library description: gRPC: API
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.grpc:grpc-android'.
Library description: gRPC: Android
Helm contains a .NET client which you can use to interact with Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes. It contains an client-side implementation of HAPI, the gRPC-based Helm API
Package Description
Library that enables applications to communicate with gRPC services using code-first approach, helps to get around some limitations of gRPC protocol. Provides exception handling. Helps to migrate existing WCF solution to gRPC with minimum effort.
Library that enables applications to communicate with gRPC services using code-first approach, helps to get around some limitations of gRPC protocol. Provides exception handling. Helps to migrate existing WCF solution to gRPC with minimum effort.
Package Description
gRPC client for UpdatesService in MusicFeed project.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'io.grpc:grpc-context'.
Library description: gRPC: Context
This is a package to run Grpc tools automatically when msbuild building.
Simple yet useful .net etcd v3 grpc client
SciTech.Rpc is a high-performance, code-first, remote procedure call framework, designed to handle remote procedure calls on all levels.
From internet deployed services over HTTP/2 (based on gRPC), to in-process proxy communication.
This package contains the communication layer for the lightweight ...
gRPC Prometheus client - server instrumentation for DotNet.
Package Description