Top 20 NuGet graph Packages
MindFusion.Diagramming for WebForms adds to web applications the ability to create and present flowchart and process diagrams, workflow and data flow charts, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational and classification charts, hierarchy and relationship diagrams, networks, graphs, trees,...
Wrapper library over the official Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB .NET Client library and the Gremlin.NET driver.
Provides seamless integraition of the Gremlin and SQL APIs for a optimized and fast Graph database experience.
Fork of the Graph# library WPF controls for .NET 7.0
Fork of the Graph# library base classes for .NET 7.0
A graph layout panel for AvaloniaUI
The MSAGL GraphViewerGDI control lets you visualize graphs and has and some other rendering functionality. Key features: (1) Pan and Zoom (2) Navigate Forward and Backward (3) tooltips and highlighting on graph entities (4) Search for and focus on graph entities.
ASP.NET Core support package for ExRam.Gremlinq.Providers.GremlinServer.
ASP.NET Core support package for ExRam.Gremlinq.Providers.Neptune.
Driver needed to connect to Neo4j using Blueprint41
Allows you to create a simple workflow structure from specially marked up handler methods, in which the input and output types are the links between the work items.
A polymorphic JsonConverter and extension methods for Neo4jClient
The MSAGL WpfGraphControl lets you visualize graphs and has and some other rendering functionality. Key features: (1) Pan and Zoom (2) Navigate Forward and Backward (3) tooltips and highlighting on graph entities (4) Search for and focus on graph entities.
The MSAGL GraphViewerGDI control lets you visualize graphs and has and some other rendering functionality. Key features: (1) Pan and Zoom (2) Navigate Forward and Backward (3) tooltips and highlighting on graph entities (4) Search for and focus on graph entities.
The Definitions of different drawing attributes like colors, line styles, etc. It also contains definitions of a node class, an edge class, and a graph class. By using these classes a user can create a graph object and use it later for layout, and rendering.
A library for providing tagging suggestions for documents, music, photos, etc.
Use GoXam for WPF to add diagrams to your application. It can show directed and undirected graphs, network diagrams, flowcharts, workflow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, BPMN and BPEL applications, organization charts, circuit diagrams, tree diagrams (e.g. syntax trees, sitemaps), data flow...
LightningChart Ultimate is the fastest 2D and 3D WinForms data visualization toolkit for science and finance. LightningChart Ultimate is entirely GPU accelerated (Direct3D) and performance optimized data visualization control for presenting masses of data in 2D XY graph, 3D XYZ, polar and 3D pie / d...
Highcharts-export-client is highcharts-export-server API wrapper. With help of this library you can generate fancy charts and export it to png, pdf or svg formats.
An implementation of GraphQL for .NET and IQueryable
Library to compare two entity object graphs detecting changes