Top 20 NuGet global Packages

.NET Core Global Tool: cross-platform Avalonia-based GUI Snow demo
A .net core global tool that initialize or create a github repo for you with good defaults. Check what is currently supported at
LinksPlatform's Platform.Singletons Class Library
.NET Core global CLI tool to create toast notifications on Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10
C# .NET Integration with Peanut Labs social monetization ( ) Samples in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Webforms included
A managed library to handle global hotkeys in Windows Forms applications. This package contains the concrete HotkeyManager implementation for Windows Forms.
SDK to access EventBucket (Global Anonymous Event Hub).
Provides NLog Target to log to EventBucket (Global Anonymous Event Hub).
NHibernate-Mappings für die Lexware-Entitäten für globale Daten
Compilation of functions and utilities
This package is the windows platform implementation of the NeatInput project. A .NET standard library to easily monitor keyboard and mouse input.
Provides an easy way to setup system-wide hot keys and react on their events.
A simple and easy-to-use .NET managed wrapper for Low Level Keyboard hooking.
The Standards and Innovations teams, Information Security, and various SMEs, have created a Development Standards Package to help us follow best practices and aid in our consistency efforts across the IT organization. The included HTML 5 and related standards put us in a position to develop multi-de...
A Source Server Query Library
Provides access to the Windows API Low-level input hooks and the SendInput function