Top 20 NuGet github Packages
GitHub webhook events and entities.
BugTracker system that allows you to push the bug as github issue
Github webhook handler helper
GitHub logger extensions for Visual Studio Test Platform.
GitHub Actions support for the Cake.Issues addin for Cake allows you to report to GitHub Actions builds.
This addin provides the aliases for writing to GitHub Actions builds.
It also requires the core Cake.Issues and Cake.Issues.PullRequests addins and one or more issue providers.
See the Project ...
Cake extension for creating release notes based on closed GitHub issues and for publishing GitHub releases
GitHub API v3 client
System.Net.Http.HttpClient based GistsAPI Library.
Target: .Net Framework 4.5
A simple library for pushing files to GitHub programmatically
OAuth2 Authorizer helps get the access token for any REST API that implements 3-legged OAuth2 authorization.
Downloads a file from a GitHub user account's 'toolbox' repository and adds it to the Visual Studio project. To learn more, please see the Project Site.
A small and flexible command line utility, that can create releases on GitHub, including setting the release notes, and uploading file assets.
The client-app equivalent of Azure's web.config/app.config sensitive-string override. Enables open-source code to use API keys, connection strings, etc. without checking them in. C# classes are generated during the build from XML config files and environment variables, to support both local builds a...
Dextem is a Portable Class Library that converts Visual Studio XML Documentation into GitHub Flavored Markdown.
Testing GitHub, AppVeyor and integrations.
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services Authentication Library for Windows