Top 20 NuGet git Packages
Embed information on this deployment into the application
Embed information on this deployment (including source control information) into the application. This works for any version of mvc post 4.0
The source code for wrapping libgit2sharp in asynchrony - unless you're building LibGit2Sharp from source, this isn't the package you want
A wrapper for libgit2sharp to make git operations asynchronous
This fork of Simon Cropp's Stamp.Fody adds a %ck-standard% pattern and, this is the most important, relies on release tag (v1.0.0-master) to get the version AND branch information when on a detached head.
This enables a consistent behavior of stamping.
This nuget updates your AssemblyInfo.cs with data from git repository based on GitFlow model (, allowing you to create Semantic Versioning ( It is basically a modification of GitVersion (
Package Description
Adds current Git hash to assembly version, so it looks like
Use a git repository for backups.
A small tool to get version info from git and update AssemblyInfo.cs. You need to have git installed.
An S3 adapter for Estranged.Lfs.Api.
A Git LFS server implementation in C# designed to run in a serverless environment.
A Git LFS server implementation in C# designed to run in a serverless environment.
Provides simple MSBuild integration to add the Git Commit Hash and Git Branch Name to the current build as MSBuild properties.
CAS - Content Addressable Storage Serializers.
.NET Core library for reading data from git repositories.
CAS - Content Addressable Storage I/O.
CLR Library for the Gitea API.
Git for Windows focuses on offering a lightweight, native set of tools that bring the full feature set of the Git SCM to Windows while providing appropriate user interfaces for experienced Git users and novices alike.
## Features
* **Git BASH**: Git for Windows provides a BASH emulation used to ru...