Top 20 NuGet geospatial Packages

A Geospatial Library for .NET - a .NET port of spatial4j
This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services from .NET.
Aspose.GIS for .NET is an on premise API developed in C# 100% managed code. It enables your .NET apps to work with the data stored within various GIS (Geographic Information System) file formats, including; vector formats (SHP, KML, GPX, GML, GDB, TAB, MIF, GEOJSON, TOPOJSON, OSM), raster formats (...
NHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially-enabled database and manipulate geometries in .NET code using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
NHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially-enabled database and manipulate geometries in .NET code using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
NHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially-enabled database and manipulate geometries in .NET code using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
Geospatial search for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene.NET project:
This library is a simple wrapper over some common Google Maps or Google Places 'Web Services' API. It's ment to provide a quick and convenient way to query the specific Google Api's.
NHibernate.Spatial is a library of spatial extensions for NHibernate, and allows you to connect NHibernate to a spatially-enabled database and manipulate geometries in .NET code using NetTopologySuite, providing you with a fully integrated GIS programming experience.
This is a portable class library which makes it easy to access the Bing Maps Spatial Data Services from .NET.
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats.
A Geospatial Library for .NET - port of Spatial4j. Spatial4n extensions for NetTopologySuite.
This package contains the core components of SharpMap.
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats.
A simple library that makes it easy for you to consume some 3rd party Spatial Api services. - Google: Maps JavaScript API - Geocode - Google: Places API - Find - Nominatium: Geocode
GribApi.NET is a C# library for reading and writing GRIB 1 and 2 files. It wraps the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting's powerful C library, ecCodes. NOTE: This library requires the 2015 MSVC redistributable package (
The Google S2 Geometry Library is a spherical geometry library, very useful for manipulating regions on the sphere (commonly on Earth) and indexing geographic data. This version targets NET Standard 1.0
A toolkit that makes it easy to access the Bing Maps REST services from .NET
GDAL native (C/C++) libraries and utilities. From libgdal conda build.
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats.