Top 20 NuGet geo Packages
GeoTimeZone StrongNamed Nuget Package
Provides an IANA time zone identifier from latitude and longitude coordinates.
The Geo Library for Amazon DynamoDB enables .NET developers to easily create and query geospatial data.
A geospatial library for .NET
RavenDB Client Integration for Geo
.Net library for TopoJSON and GeoJSON types and corresponding Json.Net (de)serializers.
Lightweight and friendly .NET library for realizing Semantic Web applications
Extended LINQ support for XPression
A .NET library for geometric and geographic processing.
This package contains geo-location representing data structures as well as some APIs for calculating distances between geo-locations
Server side analytics tool for AspNet Core
Time series methods for ServerSideAnalytics tool for AspNet Core
Contains geocoding libraries that support most of the plain providers (google, yahoo, etc.)
MaxMind GeoLite geo ip resolver for ServerSideAnalytics
Library containing a simple hilbert based spatial index for NearestNeighbour and Within type of queries over a set of points.
Sample is an example package that exists only to show a sample .nuspec file.
gMaps Win8 Tasks package provides quick and easy way to add mapping features to your Windows 8 application for Windows Store with help of activation protocols.
You can easily display location, area, pushpin(s) and even route with several lines of code.
Example: new OpenMapTask(...).Show(...
gMaps WP Tasks package provides quick and easy way to add mapping features to your Windows Phone 8 application with help of activation protocols.
You can easily display location, area, pushpin(s) and even route with several lines of code.
Example: new OpenMapTask(...).Show();