Top 20 NuGet generator Packages

Abstractions supporting the compile-time object-to-object mapper generator.
Compile-time object-to-object mapper generator which generates extension methods for each of the mappings. Use the attributes MapTo or MapFrom to specify which maps should exist, and use MapWith or Ignore to tweak the generated mapping.
boilerplatezero (BPZ) is a collection of C# source generators that simplify the code required for common C# patterns. Included generators: - DependencyPropertyGenerator - generates idiomatic WPF dependency property code - RoutedEventGenerator - generates idiomatic WPF routed event code
C# 9 Source Generator library for NSwag.
Generates strongly typed wrapper classes. Similar to Visual Studios native ResX generation, but with Blazor in mind.
LTCSharper is a wrapper for LTCSharp for use in Xamarin and other portable libraries
A .NET Standard class library providing map generation, path-finding, and field-of-view utilities frequently used in roguelikes or 2D tile based games. Inspired by libtcod New features: * Map and cell classes now have generic versions that are easier to inherit from. * Weighted pool class fo...
Development kit for the generation of LR and RNGLR parsers programmatically or in command line. Full API for the manipulation of context-free grammars.
A multiple instance and thread safe unique number sequence generator. Replicates the create sequence transact-SQL functionality ( in a .Net assembly.
Generate Heroku-like random names to use in your applications
Create TypeScript or JavaScript Proxies for your ASP.NET MVC Controllers. The T4 template can create Angular 2, AngularJs or jQuery proxies for your .NET Controllers or WebApi Controller. How to use it:
Configuration via yaml file
Knockout.js shared code for both server and code generation projects for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Vue.js code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Shared API code generation for IntelliTect.Coalesce
Builds on Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch to generate JSON patch documents by comparing or observing changes to C# objects.
Code generator to easily create data builder patterns for your model classes.
RazorMachine is a robust Razor 2.0/3.0 templating engine that supports layouts as well as a _viewStart construct like Asp.Net MVC
Static C# class to generate random names based upon gender.