Top 20 NuGet functions Packages

Azure functions extension for simple CRUD + List functions following the DRY principle.
Add a Firebase back-end to an Endpointer Authentication API.
The Functions service helps you build and deploy applications and functions.
GoodToCode shared aspect-oriented (AOP) library for cross-cutting utility concerns.
Baracuda OpenAPI Azure Functions NET Core 3.1 Generate the json file openAPI 3.0 and the front end view to interact with the API’s calls based on the setting defined in the json file openAPI 3.0. newest: Connection with Barracuda Identity Provider Package
The purpose of this library is to help developers with dependency injection per HTTP request context. This is currently not available via the default dependency injection infrastructure. A secondary goal is provide easy access to common infrastructure services such as security, logging, etc.
Provides capabilities for easily integrating logging when building Azure Functions.
This is an input binding for Azure Functions allowing you to validate JWT tokens for Azure Functions with a HTTP trigger.
Write More Code, Less Azure Functions. Functionless is a library to ease your Azure Function development by minimizing the abstraction of your long-running services, processes, workflows, etc.