Top 20 NuGet fubumvc Packages
Adds Saml2 support to a FubuMVC application
Storyteller2/Serenity helpers for testing FubuMVC.Saml2 on your project
FubuMVC Permissions Module
Embed StoryTeller infrastructure inside of your running FubuMVC application
Low friction Service Bus using the best of the Fubu world
LightningQueues integration for FubuTransporation projects
LightningQueues integration for FubuTransporation projects
Serenity testing helpers for FubuTransporation projects
StructureMap3 bootstrapping for FubuMVC applications
StructureMap bootstrapping for FubuMVC applications
Documentation for FubuValidation.Docs
Documentation for FubuMVC.Docs
Frictionless documentation tooling
Documentation for FubuLocalization.Docs