Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

API access to powerful popular bioinformatic databases
Open source bioinformatics and computational biology toolbox written in F#.
You used Mutex.DeclarativeSql package to define your SQL in declarative way. Use this package to execute the commands in SQL Server.
Page Loader extension for Feliz.Bulma
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery support for the Giraffe web framework.
Voice Natives for DSharpPlus.
Polymorphic Type aliases for Server-Side Rendering development with Feliz
Extensible F# Event Codec for System.Text.Json and Newtonsoft.Json with versioning tolerant converters
A plugin for [Myriad]( for generating statically typed lossless wrappers around JToken given a schema.
Thin F# wrapper for Azure Search .NET SDK
Helpful extensions to AutoFixture.Xunit to handle some F#-specific types when supplying auto-data in test functions.
FSec is a tool for automatically running FsCheck security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
FSec is a tool for automatically running API security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.
SweetAlert integration with Fable
MissYou integration with Fable
Faker integration with Fable
F# computational expressions to reduce boilerplate in Pulumi code
Fable.React binding for Autocomplete component
DateTimePicker extension for Feliz.Bulma
Divider extension for Feliz.Bulma