Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

EonLib. Description package base components and abstractions.
EonLib. Description package implementations.
EonLib. Data type system components.
EonLib. Persistence entity reference key provider(s) for Npgsql.
EonLib. Persistence entity reference key provider components.
EonLib. Data filter components.
EonLib core components (level C).
EonLib. Run control component.
EonLib. Component Model: Properties.
EonLib. Dependency XInstance-components.
EonLib. Dependency abstractions.
EonLib. Dependency implementations.
EonLib. Asynchronous operator components.
EonLib. Annotation components.
EonLib. Activation servant XInstance-component.
A .NET library logging framework that ties into your project and provides integration with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions - serves as a replacement to LibLog.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC versioning components.
The package helps in working with files irrespective of the file type. An additional method is added in this release to read file as base64string. It contains helper classes with easy to understand methods to handle the process of upload and delete files physically from the folder for .Net Framework...
Prise, A .NET Plugin Framework!
Security database context classes for entity framework