Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
Command line tool used to measure REST API test coverage. Tool takes StoryLine.Rest tests execution report and compares it to API information stored in Swagger document.
Deprecated. Use Remiworks.Core.
Deprecated. Use Remiworks.Attributes
Provides a ChangeTrackingDbContext that will automatically updates Created and Modified fields as well as some basic DbContext extension methods from
RequireJS.NET integrates RequireJS script loader with ASP.NET Framework Core MVC
User interface for managing groups, roles and permissions for the Owin Framework authorization middleware
Owin Framework authorization middleware that checks if the identity making the request has permission to do so and returns a 403 response if it does not
Intent Framework Core Library
EntityGenerics Core Abstraction Class Library. Contains interfaces for generic Entity Framework repository creation.
EntityGenerics Core Class Library. Contains abstract base classes for generic Entity Framework repository creation.
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
SaaS Multi tenant Framework for SaaS Development and SaaS Migration. SaaS Application Development Platform addressing SaaS Challenges and SaaS Non-Functional Requirements
Componente que ofrece clases de resultado de comunicacion entre métodos, extensiones, clases utilitarios, cifrador de password, etc. Este componente puede ser usado en cualquiera de las capas bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.