Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
Entity Framework Fluent Repository pattern
Shared design-time test suite for Entity Framework Core relational database providers.
Idea.UnitOfWork.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Idea.Repository.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Idea.Query.EntityFrameworkCore Class Library
Owin middleware to generate visualization of the OWIN pipeline
Owin middleware to generate analytics report
Owin middleware to document other Owin middleware
Owin middleware to catch and report exceptions
Owin middleware to map requests for the site root to a specific page on the site
Owin middleware to return 404 responses
CQRS and Microservices Framework
EntityFramework-specific component of the CRUD.NET package family, providing support for DDD-inspired C.R.U.D. functionality of .NET REST APIs and Microservices
A library to allow Dibware.StoredProcedureFramework to better integrate with Entity Framework.
Framework CrossCutting Here Map
Provides the core infrastructure for building multi-tenant solutions (SaaS)
SimpleInjector (IoC Container) implementation for MultiTenancyFramework
Iot Communication Framework