Top 20 NuGet forms Packages
Quickly develop file (Document) based WinForms applications using Kajabity.DocForms to handle all the boilerplate file handling. Visit the project website for detailed usage instructions, or see the samples on GitHub. Originally part of Kajabity.Tools.
SVG viewer control for Xamarin Forms, based on SkiaSharp
Simplifies working with RelativeLayout Programatically in Xamarin.Forms. It's a port of EasyLayout.Droid which is a port of Frank Krueger's EasyLayout for iOS.
Makes RxUI work with FreshMvvm
ESBootstrap (For Bridge.Net) - Web Application using ESBootstrap UI and Bridge for the Browser.
Simple ImagePicker (camera and gallery) with cropper for Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS).
Provides an easy way to navigate between pages in xamarin.Forms
It supports:
1) Xamarin.Forms.Android
2) Xamarin.Forms..iOS
3) Windows.Forms.UWP
4) Windows.Forms.Store
5) Windows.Forms.Phone
Reference native PDFNet library directly without the PDFNetLoader.dll library as official release does.
Supports only x86 and x64 platform target. Does not support AnyCPU target.
Winnovative PDF Viewer for Windows Forms and WPF can be easily integrated in your Windows Forms and WPF applications targeting the .NET Framework to display PDF documents.
This version of the library is compatible with .NET Framework on Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) platforms.
The free Ado...
EVO PDF Viewer for Windows Forms and WPF can be easily integrated in your Windows Forms and WPF applications targeting the .NET Framework to display PDF documents.
This version of the library is compatible with .NET Framework on Windows 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) platforms.
The free Adobe Reade...
Quick open facebook-share-dialog for xamarin forms
MVC forms and resources management - internal company package
Proof-of-concept NControl for rendering an SVG with optional 9-slice insets.
Xamarin Forms Gauge Plugin Library
Url Opener Plugin for Xamarin.Forms
Network Inspector Plugin for Xamarin.Forms
Google Analytics Connector for Xamarin.Forms
Geolocator Plugin for Xamarin.Forms
Data Storage Plugin for Xamarin.Forms