Top 20 NuGet first Packages

ImVader is a framework for working with graphs. It provides implementation of common graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra and Floyd-Worshell algorithms, topological sort, computing strong components, finding minimum cuts and others.
Umbraco Jet Maps (uJetMaps) is a geographical coordinates data type and property editor for Umbraco 7, built using uJet.
A Managed version of the NetworkTables3 Protocol.
Plugin designed for connections with MFP servers (IBM Mobile Platform First). With it you can make calls Procedures, send logs and connect / disconnect to the Push Notifications service
Allows rapid development of an application by removing the need to create/setup the Database. Just create POCO classes and save them to a named database. Once your application is working you can swap out for a fully fledged database or just use it to create prototype or throw-away applications.
Ggg NugetApp First Version.
First Mate (first-mate) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Lower Case First (lower-case-first) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Upper Case First (upper-case-first) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
This project allows you to control how EntityFrameworkCore will scaffold your DbContext and models using database-first approach.
Running Objects is a framework that allows you to use simple OO concepts, focus on your business domain and do not waste time with areas that are not relevant to your application. You will build better software, with less time and with no pain. It’s built on top of ASP.NET MVC using a refined...
A DotNet implementation of the WPILib for FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)
Extra functions for the WPILib
Contains the roboRIO libraries to run WPILib in C#
Boring first package that does nothing
This is just a test to see if i can pick it up on Nuget
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework Classic Code First.
generic method for database first project and Crud
Now works with Enums! Entity Framework Code First Seeder populates newly created databases with seed data from a simple XML file. You'll no longer need to create custom implementations of IDatabaseInitializer to hard code your seed entities. If updating from v0.9.x, you'll need to slightly mod...