Top 20 NuGet filters Packages
Provides global & scoped filters for Entity Framework with dynamic filter parameters that are evaluated at query execution. Supports use cases such as Multi-Tenancy and Soft Deletes.
log4stash is a log4net appender for easy logging of exceptions and messages to Elasticsearch indices.
You can configure few filters to analyze log events before they got sended to Elasticsearch similar to the filters on logstash.
Some additional useful extensions for Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.
A library containing useful data structures like Trees, Tries, Sparse Arrays, Bloom Filters and indexing tailored dictionaries.
Use AdvancedDocClean's filters and helper functions to perform advanced document cleanup. HolePunchRemoval, Despeckle, DynamicThreshold, and Deskew help clean any scanned paper document for any downstream recognition (barcode, OCR, OMR, etc.).
Use AdvancedDocClean's filters and helper functions to perform advanced document cleanup. HolePunchRemoval, Despeckle, DynamicThreshold, and Deskew help clean any scanned paper document for any downstream recognition (barcode, OCR, OMR, etc.).
Provides ASP.NET Core middleware, MVC filters, extension methods and helper code for an ASP.NET Core project.
AdvancedPhotoEffects contains many programmatic filters designed to edit photographic images. Similar to the filters in any modern photo manipulation application, the library contains filters such as GaussianBlurCommand, SharpenCommand, and commands to perform color correction.
Aspose.PSD for .NET provides extensive manipulation capabilities for PSD and PSB file formats without requiring Adobe Photoshop and entry-level export capabilities for AI files without requiring Adobe Illustrator. It supports export to the following formats: Png, Jpeg, Jpeg2000, Gif, Bmp, Tiff, PSD,...
AdvancedPhotoEffects contains many programmatic filters designed to edit photographic images. Similar to the filters in any modern photo manipulation application, the library contains filters such as GaussianBlurCommand, SharpenCommand, and commands to perform color correction.
Endorsed by the .NET Foundation as a revolutionary Gateway! Out of the box, simple Gateway as a Microservice facade. Seamlessly transition your Web API skills to the API Gateway. Swagger, Authorization, Filters and a host of enhanced features. Supports .NET 8/9.
ASP.NetCore filters for producing nicely formatted exceptions
Supported Platforms:
• NETFramework
Image Components for ASP.Net MVC is an imaging SDK that allows the view, edit, capture, creation and data manipulation.
Some of the Image Components functions are: opening file or directory and saving most common images file types (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.tif;*.tiff;*.bm...
The Cuemon.AspNetCore,Mvc namespace contains types that specializes in cache expiration and validation models and an abundant range of ready-to-use filters in the ASP.NET Core MVC pipeline. The namespace is an addition to the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace.
Apply best-in-class, adjustable Guassian blur, smart sharpen, noise removal, and auto white balance filters to your photographs.
Plugs into ImageResizer.
REST API example: image.jpg?a.removenoise=3
Windows Forms controls to show and handle images. Contains Color Sliders, Hue Pickers, PictureBox with extended format support, video players, and a convenient ImageBox control which mimics the traditional MessageBox behavior for quickly displaying or inspecting images. This package is part of the A...
Improved performance of GenericSpooler
.Net Standard library of extensions and generics to be used in any application. Includes: Generic implementations for Ambassador, CircuitBreaker, Pipes and Filter, Ambassador, Pool, Spooling, MessageBus and Service Loader. Feature Toggles implementation and co...
Classes for Design Patterns help.