Top 20 NuGet file Packages

[FIX]:android7 and ASTRO File Manager response. other platform use to "pt.Xamarin.Plugin.FilePicker". Simple cross-platform plug-in that allows you to pick files from the filesystem (iCloud drive in case of iOS) and work with them.
Simple byte reader that provides functions to extract a byte array from a file or a string (e.g. "F1 00 2C FF" to { 0xF1, 0x00, 0x2C, 0xFF }). It can also convert a byte array to a string or write it to a file.
Simple read/write file
copy files in C# with a customizable progress indicator and or progress bar
.NET Queue implementation backed by mapped memory
NLocalizer is a class library for C# and VB.NET developers to localize their Classic Desktop Application projects using text files, so there will be no need to recompile the project to add a new language or to modify the existing one.
Adds the X-Download-Options header with 'noopen' value to all file downloads.
A library of actors for working with the filesystem in a more convenient way.
IronBox SFT client
Contains testing utilities for Spectre.System.
A library containing cross platform abstractions for environments and IO.
Simple implementation of Download file object for web apps.
aquirrel automapper lib.
Common file operations (transfer, delete, changes) and file-specific functions
This project is inspired by Ensure.That developed by Daniel Wertheim. The purpose of this library is to allow common validation checks to be easily made.
My Ajax Upload helper for mvc web projects HTML Helper to add complex input control to your MVC page