Top 20 NuGet ffmpeg Packages

Headers, import libraries, and runtime dlls for FFmpeg, based on the official FFmpeg windows builds.
Headers, import libraries, and runtime dlls for FFmpeg, based on the official FFmpeg windows builds.
TensorFlow Music
Convert audio or video files in batch using FFmpeg
FFmpeg wrapper for .net apps
Wrapper for FFmpeg.
FFmpeg libs for uwp (win10)
A simple package that distributes the shared build of FFmpeg from Zenranoe's build site. Intended for use with Unosquare's FFME package, but may be useful for other things too.
.Net wrapper for media encoders such as FFmpeg, X264 and X265, including Avisynth and VapourSynth support.
Packages the ffmpeg.exe executable. Installing this package adds a build step to your project that will copy this executable to the bin directory under a "ffmpeg" folder. Refer to the FFmpeg documentation for details on how to use this executable (
Wrapper for ffmpeg library made by Aydin and modified by bugnabuggy team
FFmpeg libraries for Windows App Certification Kit. FFmpeg branch 12320c0.
Library (x86, x64) for getting video frames
Contains the native binaries of a LGPL build of FFmpeg.
Package Description
Pure FFmpeg Wrapper for C# and VB .NET.