Top 20 NuGet fault Packages

Enterprise Library Transient Fault Handling Application Block
Implementation of Retry pattern
Transient error detection strategies to use with Windows Azure Caching or Windows Server AppFabric Caching, for the Transient Fault Handling Application Block ("Topaz"). This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 & .Net Standard 2.0.
This NuGet package contains a zip file with the source code for the Enterprise Library Integration Pack for Windows Azure. The Microsoft Enterprise Library is a set of reusable application blocks that help developers meet common enterprise software development challenges. The Microsoft Enterprise Li...
Provides transient error detection strategies for adding retry logic into your HttpClient calls and a UrlBuilder to help simplify building complex URLs.
Transient fault handling for HttpClient based on Microsoft's implementation.
A simple .net retry library.
Transient fault handling for Microsft SQL Server Client based on Microsoft's implementation in their Enterperise Library Transient Fault Handling Block.
Base transient fault handling abstractions for database access based on Microsoft's implementation in their Enterperise Library Transient Fault Handling Block.
A C# library that helps your code be fault tolerant, and resolve unexpected errors by using resilient clients/operators.
A C# library that helps your code be fault tolerant, and resolve unexpected errors by using resilient clients/operators.
Transient fault handling for Npgsql ProstgeSQL client. Supports PostgreSQL, Percona, Azure, AWS Aurora, AWS Red Shift.
Transient fault handling for MySQL Server Client. Supports MySql, MariaDB, Percona, Azure, AWS Aurora.
Provides additional classes to enhance OrmLite functionality, including transient fault handling and configuration helpers. Enables attribute-less configuration of OrmLite.