Top 20 NuGet fakes Packages

Library-level Fakes for your favorite POCO classes.
This is an extension of Smocks for mocking Generic methods in external libraries. It is a forked git library from "feng3245/Smocks". Smocks is a library for mocking the normally unmockable. It can mock static and non-virtual methods and properties, amongst others. Change Log 0.7.5-beta2 Updated ...
A library for creating Self-Initializing Fakes.
Utilities to streamline unit testing in Dynamics CRM 365 by faking the IOrganizationService against an In-Memory context which runs blazing fast.
A set of data access-related fakes that can be used for unit testing purposes.
This library is a contribution to Microsoft Fakes. It allows tests to verify expectations on mocks with an easy and fluent syntax.
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which provides a fake UrlHelper
Machine.Fakes context configurations which provide methods for creating fake request contexts
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Edge Proxy for FakeXrmEasy to run it as the backend for javascript Dynamics CRM Web API calls.
Fake RabbitMQ implementation written in .NET Standard. Based off of RabbitMQ.Fakes (
The C# integration testing library for self-initializing fakes with MongoDB.
Easily test your code that makes HTTP requests with this library of fakes.
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which simplifies testing of AutoMapper Profile classes
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which simplifies testing of AutoMapper TypeConverter<TSource, TDestination> classes
A Machine.Fakes context configuration which simplifies testing of AutoMapper ValueResolver<TSource, TDestination> classes