Top 20 NuGet fabric Packages

A Service Fabric Reliable Services and Event Hubs integration for perfect partitioning. Event Hubs is a great entry point for a bajillion messages coming into your Service Fabric application. This package provides the glue to directly connect a service to Event Hubs, process events and ...
A Service Fabric Reliable Services and Event Hubs integration for perfect partitioning. Event Hubs is a great entry point for a bajillion messages coming into your Service Fabric application. This package provides the glue to directly connect a service to Event Hubs, process events and ...
Query support to enable the Data Explorer in Service Fabric Explorer.
Dropdown from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
ContextualMenu from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
RichTextEditor built using Fabric components and quilljs
Android binding package for Fabric.IO's Crashlytics. For more information, follow this description:
Azure ServiceFabric integration support for Castle Windsor
Base package for Fabric Kits. Don't install it by itself unless you're creating a new kit.
Bootstrap for Service Fabric OWIN Stateless Services
This is a fork from Michel Moreira package ( We modified it to not report unobserved exception as non-fatal instead of Crash. Check our github to ensure that this is the behavior you want for your app
Build tools for distributing beta builds of Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS projects using Fabric
CQRS, DDD and EventSourcing on Service Fabric
Sometimes you use Service Remoting, sometimes you use HTTP and sometimes you use both. This library has transformations from Service Remoting URIs to reverse proxy URIs and vice versa.
Minio for Service Fabric is an open source and high performance distributed object storage server with Amazon S3 compatible API
Android binding package for Firebase Crashlytics. For more information, follow this description: Forked from
Buttons from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Base classes from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
TextField from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI