Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

Extension methods for RockLib.Configuration and ASP.NET Core.
A dapper extension library. Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite,Oracle and ODBC, Support cache.
Based .NET Standard and Microsoft.Extensions packages on common framework.
Based Librame.Extensions.Core.Abstractions on .NET Standard extension implementation.
An assembly that contains several extension methods relevant to (and inclusive of) the Swedish (and other) culture(s).
A web toolkit consisting of helpers, extensions, builders and containers to aid server-side Web Development.
imple Redis extension. It gives ability to save an object to Radis db. And you don't need to serialize the to string or byte array.
LinksPlatform's Platform.Collections Class Library
Doitsu.Service.Core is a util platform to support AspNetCore using patterns UOW, ViewModel, Service. Some utils like logger, identity. The main target to help my company coding faster.
Service discovery and register module
MVC integration extensions
Client load balancer module
IdentityServer4 extension of ldap