Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

Classes for acelerate development
Intergrating Polly.Net consuming API with SWE.Http.
Basic setup for OData url building with builder pattern. Make it easier to consume OData.
Make it easier to consume HTTP.
Three extension methods to validate a string value.
Some extension methods I find useful
Functions and operators for Geo calculation.
dapper extension orm sqlmap sqllog
Adds general use extension methods to C# classes.
WinDbg common commands
commonly used in c# programming with extension methods
Useful IEnumerable extension methods.
An HTML Extension for .NET
An HTML Extension for .NET
This is container with useful string extensions.
.Net Core Extension Methods
Extension to String class that makes it easier to do some common jobs as calculate Levenshtein distance between with another string, check if string contains at least one value from an array, check if ends with at least one value from an array, get the file extension of a filename, compute the hash ...
Extension methods for .NET strings