Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

C# 9 and .NET 5
Contains a lot of extension methods
some system extension
A Collection of Extension Methods for the Console.
An extension method library for the .NET Framework 4.0 (or higher) that extends the BCL types with helper methods that make simple tasks simpler.
The Windows Azure Configuration Extensions enhance the Enterprise Library configuration subsystem by providing additional configuration sources. The Blob Configuration Source is included. These extensions are a part of the Enterprise Library Integration Pack for Windows Azure.
A Collection of Extension Methods I find useful.
A few new Format Providers. for Number Type - words Boolean - yn (Yes No) - io (1 0) Includes extenstion methods for converting a number into words.
Extension Methods for Inflector in C#
An extension for MVC HtmlHelper class to create POSTable checkbox list on a view, based on the data passed from the view model, or defined locally.
A collection of handy .net Extension Methods.
.Net utils library
Updated for Nuget 2.0: This adds copy and copySearch to the command line. "nuget.exe copy packageId [-Version version] [-Source sourceFeed] [-Destination destinationPathOrFeed] [-ApiKey apiKey]" | "nuget.exe copySearch searchFilter [-Version version] [-Source sourceFeed] [-Destination destinationPat...
There is a situation that we need user to confirm before they proceed their action. You don’t want to accidently delete very important information. So I come up the idea to extend the bootstrap modal popup to create a confirm modal before calling the function to delete some stuff.
Working with dates and time in .NET works great, but I feel it could be more natural to work with them. new DateTime(2000, 6, 3) is less natural than 3.June(2000), isn't it?
Extension methods for .NET projects
Common helper extentions and classes to make life easier
A repackage of Rob Conery's Sugar, a set of Extension Methods for making C# development a little easier. The original package placed the files in App_Code. I wanted it to work well with all project types so I built it into a .dll and packaged it.
Provides a quick way to create common zurb elements in the same way that other view elements are created.
A state change propagator for .NET