Top 20 NuGet extension Packages
A Stream.CopyTo implementation for .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, and .NET 3.5. Just install and use normally, no references required.
Provides a way to add NAME as a self host web api endpoint for .NET using the HttpListener.
Safari Extension Content (safari-extension-content) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Safari Extension (safari-extension) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
C# Linq extension with given error messages
This package provides an easy to use command-line framework.
Extensions for Akka.NET (PublishMessageActor etc.)
Extensions for System.Data Types for Stubble
Simple collection of extensions for your project.
LinqPlus provides more LINQ awesomeness, with optimized LINQ methods for specific containers, tuple enumeration of dictionaries, functional LINQ extension methods, single function extensions for common patterns, and more.
Candy Framework' sabir bir parçası olan proje bağımsız işlemlerin yapıldığı bir kütüphanedir. Candy Framework dışında tüm projeler ile uyumlu çalışabilir