Top 20 NuGet expressions Packages

Implementation of the IPolicyExpression interface that uses dynamic expression building blocks to construct expressions that evaluate the policy rules.
Advanced Evaluator of MSBuild scripts aka Advanced MSBuild with user-variables support through Varhead and more. (name = " - Platform is a (Platform) ") (name += ( …:project )) (i += 1) / (i -= 1) / (name += "str") (( …:( … ))) ...
Allows combining linq expressions using logic operators And, AndAlso, Or and OrElse. Compatible with Entity Framework, NHibernate and Linq to SQL query providers. See for more information.
xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionCombiner
General purpose library for expression parsing, template rendering, type conversion, configuration management, ...
Library provides expression expanding. Used by Slant.Entity
A small library for converting query strings to linq Expression trees.
Library used to facilitate pre compilation of logic defined as expressions into dynamic dlls
Lightweight optimizer of System.Linq.Expression expressions. Just basic boolean algebra and reductions, constant and tuple/anonymous type eliminations. For side-effect free Expressions. No compilation-subjective optimizations.
FeralExpressionsCore defines the expansion method .Inline() which can be called on either an expression, or an IQueryable. It replaces method calls in the expression with the method body. In order for this to work, the method must (a) be declared in a partial class (b) have an expression body (c)...
Write reusable filter expressions that get compiled at runtime!
ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware based on Regular Expressions for Urls
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EFCore.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNet.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions and executes the query.
Package offers support for processing DataTables requests using IQueryable Expressions. Search, filter and sorting specified in DataTables request are (automatically) translated from Viewmodel Expressions in the UI layer to Domain Expressions using this library in combination with AutoMapper.
Occurrence / Reccurrence expressions
Expressive is a library that converts compiled methods into expression trees.