Top 20 NuGet expression Packages
Parse math expressions, generate lambda expressions and compiled functions.
DataBag provides an easy way of resolving string expressions based on registered variables.
DataBag.EntityFramework allows you to integrate DataBag library with EntityFramework.
For more details see Project Site.
Parse string to expression tree and evaluation its value
Provides tools to resolve values in C# expressions.
A client library for BlueDB library. Includes base classes for entities and supports JSON encoding/decoding of entities.
[DEPRECATED] Use ExpressiveParser.
A multi-platform expression parsing and evaluating framework.
A package which encapsulates regular expression patterns for reuse
Adds support for GraphQL to EntityQueryLanguage
This simple rule engine is a .NET Standard library 2.0, which uses Microsoft's DLR DynamicExpressionParser in the background. The goal was to make a simple engine which is easy to use and compatible with many projects.
Calcex is a basic parser and evaluator for mathematical expressions built on .NET Core.
Simple expression/formula parser. Allows the conversion of formulas in infix notation to postfix notation. Calculates formulas in postfix notation using resolver classes for variables and functions.
A Roslyn tool that for a given C# program shows the syntax factory API calls to construct its syntax tree.
Provides a set of general purpose Fluent Assertion extension methods methods extending from Xunit.
.NET library that will evaluate a string expression. Expressions can include integer, double and string operands. Operators can include "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^" and "&". Supports custom functions and symbols. Provides easy integration with any application.
Now targets either .NET Standard 2.0 o...
Simple F# DSL style record validation framework
This is a port of NCalc for .NET Core applications.
C# Core Language for the BExpr Language
Performs fast, deep or shallow clone using simple assignment operations generated by Expression Tree runtime code compilation.
Cloned from MarcinJuraszek with some added functionality
.net Core ExpressionBuilderCore