Top 20 NuGet exceptions Packages

Common classes
***PLEASE INSTALL SUPPORTING APPLICATION*** You must install DevBox app to support ErrorClicker: DevBox's ErrroClicker Makes clickabe links to jump straight to offending code in Visual Studio from ASP.NET exceptions.
Common classes
Automaticly test all your custom exceptions
Nequeo exceptions component
OneTrueError have changed name to codeRR. Install one of the libraries that start with 'coderr.client' instead.
OneTrueError have changed name to codeRR. Install one of the libraries that start with 'coderr.client' instead.
OneTrueError have changed name to codeRR. Install one of the libraries that start with 'coderr.client' instead.
OneTrueError have changed name to codeRR. Install one of the libraries that start with 'coderr.client' instead.
custom exceptions.
Set of helper classes for mapping COM HResults to typed exceptions.
OneTrueError have changed name to codeRR. Install one of the libraries that start with 'coderr.client' instead.
Web-application health monitoring module. Fires e-mails to target address on any uncaught exception
Plato.Async deployment package
Expected. A simple object, containing either an error, or a value.
Android library which lets you take control of Android App's uncaught exceptions. View, Copy, Share, Save and Email exceptions details including other useful info easily.
LogIt.Now is an exception and error logging tool
Exceptions project contains base exception and typed exception that you can use in order to throw errors known to the domain. In a webapi, a handler will capture these errors and generate a formatted output.
Serialization of Exceptions project contains common classes for DTO purposes during exceptions serialization and deserialization in an exception handling. In case of a business error, the DTO BadRequestError reflect CoreException properties that can be displayed externally; in case of a system error...