Top 20 NuGet excel Packages

Edm Writer using EPPlus
FExcel helps with common operations on Microsoft Excel files
Export to Excel,Word , Pdf, Html,CSV The data could be a C# class or a JSON/CSV string Examples: export=new ExportExcel2007<Person> (); data = export.ExportResult(new List<Person>() { p }); File.WriteAllBytes("a.xlsx", data); Process.Start("a.xlsx"); ...
Wrapper for the ConfigurationManager class - Contract - Add-in X
Implementation of the wrapper for the class ConfigurationManager - Addin X
Interfaces for the fluent ribbon builder for Excel add-in - Add-in X
Extensions for ExcelDna.Integration
Dependency Epplus
Call VB DotNet Functions in sequence. This is great for Excel Automation. This class creates a dictionary, so that you can call public subs if you have the sub name provided in Excel Range.
Labo Excel.
Convert Excel file to filled List<T> using ExcelUpload; using ExcelUpload.Abstract; [HttpPost] public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) { List<IPTable> PTableList = new List<IPTable>(); PTableList.Add(new PTable<Sedan>()); PTableList.Add(new PTable<Order>()); ExcellReader er = new Exce...
SD.Toolkits Excel读写扩展组件
Excel SAX操作类库
A pure js excel exporter. Export your data from html table or json data. You can give mapping info for customization. More information:
Model to Excel,Excel to Model
Provides from Sheet1 Excel to read the contents to the memory DataTable,Multiple tables and model mappings are not supported