Top 20 NuGet event-sourcing Packages

Package Description
Use Greg Young's event store as the Event Store in CQRS.NET
We are a hybrid event source as a service. You can use a fully indexed and powerful event source that is highly scalable and fast as hell. Or you can use document style data storage to simply persist state. Or you can use both, we're cool like that.
Data types needed for communicating with ActyxOS and C# bindings for the ActyxOS APIs.
A CQRS (event driven) message router in F#
Use Azure Cosmos DB (DocumentDB) as an event store, read store and data store in CQRS.NET
Adds support for NEventStore as a source of events for LiquidProjections
Lightweight .Net library for Domain Events implementation
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Dermayon Library is Libray for supporting build large application,distributed application, scalable, microservices, cqrs, event sourcing, including generic ef repository pattern with unit of work, generic mongo repository pattern with unit of work, kafka, etc
A CQRS (event driven) message router in F#
Base and helper classes/interfaces for domain-driven design
Build projections and deliver scheduled commands for Its.Domain using SQL and Alluvial.
Use MongoDB as the read store and data store in CQRS.NET