Top 20 NuGet evaluator Packages

Advanced Evaluator of MSBuild scripts aka Advanced MSBuild with user-variables support through Varhead and more. (name = " - Platform is a (Platform) ") (name += ( …:project )) (i += 1) / (i -= 1) / (name += "str") (( …:( … ))) ...
The most portable alternative to Microsoft.Build for evaluating, manipulating, and other progressive data processing in a compatible XML-like syntax.
The «Expression Library» is introduced to bring the world of «Code Execution» and the «Free Definition of Formulas» in an existing application together. So the primary goal of this component is to allow the applications user expressing any formula of mathematics, string check or dynamic data definit...
MES is a mathematical expressions evaluator. While being fairly simple it's heavily focused on being generic, modular, and extensible. Supports custom functions!
Simple compiler of mathematical expressions.
Compile and execute C# code at program runtime
Components for work with Visual Studio through SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * DTEComponent For work with [EnvDTE]( ```...
Extended Core components for SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * SevenZipComponent ``` #[7z pack.files({"IntelOCL.log", "IntelChipset.log"}, "ilog.7z")] #[7z pack.files...
Core components for SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language Provides at least the following: * ConditionComponent Supports composite conditions with limited short-circuit evaluation (separately for all brackets) Additional Operato...
A .Net implementation of [JsonLogic](
A parser and compiler for arithmetic expressions, with error reporting. Inspired by Roslyn.
[DEPRECATED] Use ExpressiveParser. A multi-platform expression parsing and evaluating framework.
Calcex is a basic parser and evaluator for mathematical expressions built on .NET Core.
.NET library that will evaluate a string expression. Expressions can include integer, double and string operands. Operators can include "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "^" and "&". Supports custom functions and symbols. Provides easy integration with any application. Now targets either .NET Standard 2.0 o...
This is a port of NCalc for .NET Core applications.
Evaluator of user variables and more. Designed for SobaScript, E-MSBuild, and so on. Platforms: netstandard2.0;net40 Used in SobaScript, E-MSBuild, vsSolutionBuildEvent, vsCommandEvent, ... ======================================= gnt /p:ngpackages...
Mapper for SobaScript components and their nodes. SobaScript -- Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language. ======================================= gnt /p:ngpackages="SobaScript.Mapper/1.14.0" ...
Extensible Modular Scripting Programming Language -- #SobaScript. #[" #SobaScript in action "] #[var v = 1.2.3] #[] #[(RCI_SDK15 ~= Deb || true) { #[try { #[File write("#[var log]"): Example #[var v] ...
A C# library for parsing mathematical expressions with support for parentheses and variables.