Top 20 NuGet etw Packages

This package includes samples illustrating the use of the Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource library. Works best if you create a console app called 'DemoEventSource' and reference this package.
Exposes Microsoft Azure Libraries events via ETW (Event Tracing for Windows). ETW events can be captured by subscribing to Microsoft-WindowsAzure event source. The ETW tracing provider requires .NET Framework 4.5 or newer.
A sample of how to consume ETW event from C#. The NuGet package contains the source code.
This MSBuild task generates documentation for Events in a ETW EventSource class. This can combine event method comments like summary and resolution to helps Operations take action on the events. /// <summary> /// The request processing error during processing. /// </summary> ...
Simplified Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) in Desktop apps and Windows/Windows Phone Store apps. Traces can be either structured or unstructured. For documentation see .
Enables tracing of event messages for AutoRest generated client libraries events via ETW (Event Tracing for Windows). ETW events can be captured by subscribing to the "Microsoft.Rest" event source.
General-purpose ETW Deserializer library supporting .NET EventSource, Windows MOF, Kernel, and XPERF Profiling events
Application Insights EtwCollector allows sending data from Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to Application Insights. Application Insights will collect your logs from multiple sources and provide rich powerful search capabilities. Privacy statement:
C++/WinRT component wrapping windows event tracing APIs
Provides the underlying Windows Performance Toolkit binaries required by Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing. Consider using Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing.All instead to provide all data providers.
Formatting for EventSource in-process event data (i.e. OnEventsWrittenEventArgs). Allows transformation and inclusion/exclusion of payload values.
Continuous recording of in-process event sources. Useful for logging last events before an exception, e.g. unhandled top level exceptions.
Modified to take a multi-targeting approach so that it can be consumed from either .NET Standard 2.1 or by .NET Framework 4.7.2 or above. Automatically implements the tedious part of the .NET 4.5 EventSource class. Also automatically converts any interface to an ETW trace point. Wrap your interfaces...