Top 20 NuGet ethereum Packages

Nethereum.Web3 Ethereum Web3 Class Library to interact via RPC with an Ethereum client, for example geth. Including contract interaction, deployment, transaction, encoding / decoding and event filters
Encoding and decoding of ABI Types, functions, events of Ethereum contracts
Nethereum.RPC Ethereum Core RPC Class Library to interact via RPC with an Ethereum client, for example geth.
Keystore generation, encryption and decryption for Ethereum key files using the Web3 Secret Storage definition,
Nethereum Utilities library, including Sha3 Keccack encoding and Address Checksum
Nethereum signer library to sign and verify messages, RLP and transactions using an Ethereum account
RLP Encoding and decoding
Nethereum.Accounts Ethereum Accounts and Transaction Managers Class Library
Nethereum.Model Ethereum Core Model Class Library
A .NET implementation for the Coinbase Pro API for online trading. Supports REST API and Websocket Feed API. All crypto currencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), 0x (ZRX), and many more!
The unofficial .NET/C# client for the Coinbase Pro / GDAX API
A .NET implementation for the Coinbase API for online payments. The Coinbase API is a way to seamlessly pay for goods or services online utilizing Coinbase and Bitcoins for low-cost payment processing.
HexTypes for encoding and encoding String, BigInteger, this is specific for Ethereum
.NET Middleware to log API Calls to Moesif API Analytics and Monitoring
Nethereum.BlockchainProcessing Ethereum blockchain processing allowing to crawl Blocks, Transactions, TransactionReceipts and Logs (Event) for storage and / or using custom handlers like queuing , search, etc
A .NET implementation of the Coinbase Commerce API for cryptocurrency payments. Coinbase Commerce is the easiest and safest way for a business to start accepting digital currency payments. Works with Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH)!
A feature complete and easy to use .Net wrapper of the official 3Commas API.
Nethereum.StandardTokenEIP20 Ethereum Service to interact with EIP20 compliant contracts
Nethereum.HdWallet uses BIP32 and BIP39 to generate an HD tree of Ethereum compatible addreses from a randomly generated word seeds. This is compatible with keys generated using the standard (m/44'/60'/0'/0/x) usded in BIP44, MetaMask, Jaxx, MyEtherWallet (default), TREZOR App, Exodus or (...
Netherum.Geth is the extended Web3 library for Geth. including the non-generic RPC API client methods to interact with the Go Ethereum Client (Geth) Admin, Debug, Miner.