Top 20 NuGet estat Packages
This is part of the Eurostat's SDMX Web Service implementation
This is part of the Eurostat's SDMX Web Service implementation
SDMX library .A common library and programming API for working with SDMX data and structural metadata. This is a port from Java of Eurostat's fork of Metadata Technologies SdmxSource v1.1.4.
SDMX library .A common library and programming API for working with SDMX data and structural metadata. This is a port from Java of Eurostat's fork of Metadata Technologies SdmxSource v1.1.4.
This is part of the Eurostat's SDMX Web Service implementation
SDMX RI Mapping Assistant API - Tools for Initializing and Uprading a mapping store database.
SDMX RI Tool for Monitoring the Mapping Store Schema for data changes .
SDMX JSON data writer plug-in.
This is SDMX RI default format plug-in for the SDMX RI Web Service. It uses SdmxSource data and structure writers.
SDMX RI Mapping Assistant Custom Query Editor plugin
SDMX RI Implementation of SDMX Structure Retriever APIs from SdmxSource
This is part of the Eurostat's SDMX Web Service implementation
This is part of the Eurostat's SDMX Web Service implementation
This is part of the Eurostat's Mapping Assistant libraries. This includes the API library, implementation to interact
Library for monitoring MSDB for data updates
This is part of the Eurostat's Mapping Assistant libraries. It includes the SDMXRI Mapping Store Schema
The Eurostat extensions to SdmxSource. This is for SdmxSource v1.13.2 (which is based on SdmxSource Java v1.1.4b).