Top 20 NuGet episerver Packages

Pepi.Find is an open source content indexing server reachable with various clients (namely EpiServer). Pepi.Find.SqlRepository contains data store sample implementation.
Formpipe Platina Connector for EPiServer 11
Semantix AutoConnect NoSql package for translating content from CMS and Commerce solutions using LiteDB.
Simple to use two-way associations between Episerver content.
This module will filter responses before being sent to the client and find / replace found keys with set values.
Make content approval more flexible by setting content approval workflows by page type or folder.
Vue.js integration for EPiServer CMS in .NET Standard
Semantix AutoConnect for EPiServer Commerce 12
Vue.js Web Components integration for C# projects in .NET Standard
Generate static website but still use EpiServer as your CMS for your editors
Provides base classess for EPiServer properties and set of utility classes.
Image Property for EPiserver 7 provides a rich interface for selecting a images. Tightly integrated with new interface with drag and drop support.
With this package you can easily add server-side scaled images to your EPiServer site supporting responsive design. For simple scalling use <ow:Image src="/myImg.png" Width="100" Height="100" Tranformation="ScaleToFill" For responsive design use <ow:ResponsiveImage /> where you can define breakpo...
Adds templates for correct error handling (returning proper HTTP error code) with support for custom templates for error pages
Adds page templates to easily generate RSS/ATOM feed based on EPiServer page tree.
GeoPicker EPiserver property is based on Google Maps API and provides a rich interface for selecting a geo-coordinates – perfect for editing location of points of interests we want to show on a map.
Video Property for EPiserver 7 provides a rich interface for selecting a video clips with support for rendering preview/thumbnail in edit mode. Works with YouTube and Vimeo.
Generic List property for EPiserver 7 provides a possibility to IEnumerable property with UI support in edit mode.
Provides an easy way to extend EPiServer data content interception pipeline.
VideoCloud Property. Provides the ability to select videos uploaded to Brightcove video cloud storage.