Top 20 NuGet enumeration Packages

The framework Enumerations provides a solid baseline of features emulating a Java style enumeration structure for .NET. Simple Ordinal based Enumerations are supported, as are more complex Flags-like Bitwise Enumerations.
Provides the [FlagsEnumeration] attribute for use when signaling when bitwise operators and so forth are to be auto generated at build time.
A utility library in .Net Standard 2.1 to easily add patterns such as Command, Query, Disptacher, Interception..and use of Optional.
Provides the build time generators that respond to the [FlagsEnumeration] partial class attribute.
Provides the [FlagsEnumeration] attribute for use when signaling when bitwise operators and so forth are to be auto generated at build time.
The framework Enumerations provides a solid baseline of features emulating a Java style enumeration structure for .NET. Simple Ordinal based Enumerations are supported, as are more complex Flags-like Bitwise Enumerations.
Type-safe .NET Enum class replacement
Runtime dll and tutorial
Multiple enumeration generation based on lookup tables
Provides the analyzers necessary to ensure that Enumeration derivations with [FlagsEnumeration] decoration are declared partial.
This project is a modified fork of SSH.NET that lets do username enumeration in openssh vulnerable servers (2.3-7.7)
Two abstract classes for building enumeration types without evil enums
System.Text.Json serialization support for Enumeration class.
NSwag support for Enumeration class to generate Enumeration as an Enum type schema.
Newtonsoft.Json serialization support for Enumeration class.
Custom model binder to allow Enumeration class pass as a query string parameter.
Enumeration class as an alternate to Enum types.
Provides the analyzers necessary to ensure that Enumeration derivations with [FlagsEnumeration] decoration are declared partial.
Extension methods library for dotnet standards.