Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Some Sql Server performance analyzers to be used with the Performance Interceptor.
EFAutomation is a convention based extension library for Entity Framework to automate several tasks currently cumbersome to do. It allows developers to create an Entity Framework based Context without having to specify each entity by putting it as DbSet<> as property.
A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework 6 by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
A library that extends the functionality of Entity Framework 5 by adding batch update, future queries and audit logs.
The Entity Framework Provider NuoDB® enables you to develop .NET applications that connect to the NuoDB database using Entity Framework.
A generic Entity Framework repository with a fluent interface to provide a flexible query API. All the benefits of being able to build queries through method chaining without having to return IQueryable from the repository.
Ordering and paging extenshion for entity framework.
Package wrapping EntityFramework and its DbContext.
EnergyTrading helpers and extensions for Entity Framework.
GeoJSON for EntityFramework is a .net library that allows you to create GeoJSON output from EntityFramework Spatial Data or WKT inputs. In other words, It serializes different type of geometry objects to GeoJSON. It's not limited to only EF entities but It can serialize WKT inputs as well. Fe...
Base classes and interfaces for Node.Cs-Entity framework integration The documentation can be found on
ComBoost.EntityFramework is Wodsoft's entity repository technology using Microsoft's EntityFramework for applications.
An EntityFramework generic repository with graph management
A scalable way of composing EntityFramework type configuration classes using MEF.
It is simple and easy to use library, using this along with Entity Framework you would be able to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) operations without writing much code.
ThinkNet integration with EntityFramework.
It has an EntityTypeConfiguration called MetadataEntityTypeConfiguration that allows auto map the EF entity using the information from metadata.