Top 20 NuGet entity Packages

Enables integration between the Lacuna PKI SDK and Microsoft .NET Entity Framework for logging and storage.
SimplePersistence.Model.EF extends the SimplePersistence.Model package by exposing dedicated Entity Framework 6 extension methods and classes.
Crypteron CipherDB Agent for Entity Framework 6.x
PostgreSQL provider for Entity Framework 5
Store data object to many type of stores
Crypteron CipherObject Agent for general object oriented encryption
Enterprise development framework
Beetle Entity Framework 6 handler.
Beetle.js Client with TypeScript definition files.
Custom serialization when NMoneys objects are to be persisted as complex types using Entity Framework.
A library for managing the lifetime of Entity Framework Core DbContext instances. This package is based on the original DbContextScope repository by Mehdi El Gueddari, updated for .NET 6+ and EF Core, with a number of additional improvements and bug fixes.
When you call stored procedure with select and output parameters and you don't select on some conditions (for example, you're just returning an error code) — you get a mapping EntityCommandExecutionException. This package fixes this annoying behavior of EF by returning empty data set and letting you...
Contains templates for generating an entire codebase which uses EF6, CQRS, and Aurelia. This set of templates generates: - database entities and repositories (C#) - service models, mappings, interfaces, clients, and controllers (C#) - frontend models and services (TS) All generated code is depende...
Generic ADO.NET and Entity Framework Repository
Entity Framework 6 Fluent Repository pattern
Automatically creates tables and stored procedures for Essential Diagnostics ( using Entity Framework
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