Top 20 NuGet encoding Packages

Provides efficient stream encoder/decoder functions.
This ITU-T/ISO standard XML encoding is compact, fast and interoperable. Integrated into the XML processing API of .NET, it is as straight forward to use as the text encoding.
UDE.CSharp.UWP is a compiled C# port of Mozilla Universal Charset Detector for windows 10 UWP.
A library to convert between byte arrays and strings using hex (base 16) encoding i.e. each byte is represented by 2 hex characters. The implementation makes use of an efficient table lookup that is approx 16x faster than using System.BitConverter.
This is a C# implementation of the Z85 specification found at: It supports the formal specification as well as an option to automatically pad the input bytes.
判断文件的编码是什么,可以区分 Utf8 和 GBK 可以判断文件的编码可信度 使用方法是调用 EncodingDifferentiater 的 DifferentiateEncoding 方法,可以判断文件是什么编码
.net Standard port of CUETools.Codecs.FLAKE Original code from Gregory S. Chudov and Justin Ruggles
EncodingConverter.Core is a C# wrapper for EncodingConverter C library. Text files can be easily converted between UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32, ISO8859-1, ISO8859-9.
C# Library for writing video files using FFmpeg with audio support
Bridge library to use Blurhash within UWP
Bridge library to use Blurhash with SkiaSharp
Convert between halfwidth and fullwidth Unicode forms.
A .NET library for encoding and decoding ANSEL characters to/from Unicode.
This ITU-T/ISO standard XML encoding is compact, fast and interoperable. Integrated into the XML processing API of .NET, it is as straight forward to use as the text encoding.
Easily encode numbers to and from binary format
Video encoding library
An implementation of the Redis Encoding and Serialization Protocol for .Net.