Top 20 NuGet either Packages

Result type written in C# with the ability to chain computations and first class Task/async support. Represents the ability for a computation to fail in a way more appropriate than throwing Exceptions in a lot of cases.
Either monad that stores one of many known types inside it. See the project page for more: Json.Net and NHibernate bindings available.
"Either" Monad-like Implementation for dealing with operation results in C#
It's an implementation of "Maybe" and "Either" monads for C# with extra utils, extensions, and integrations.
Optional is a robust option/maybe type for C#.
Useful extensions for LanguageExt with AspNetCore
Some extensions for functional programming with csharp, including monads like: - Maybe - Either - Reader - Writer - Try Moreover includes some extension methods for combining/composing/currying functions.
Monads (Maybe, Either, State, Reader, Writer) and monad combinators (Sequence, Sequence_, ReplicateM, ReplicateM_, MapM, MapM_, FoldM, FoldM_, ZipWithM, ZipWithM_, ForM, FilterM, LiftM, LiftM2, LiftM3, LiftM4, LiftM5, Join, When, Unless, Forever, Void, Ap, Compose, Guard, MFilter, MSum) in C#
Functions and types for C# adopted from FP e.g. Option, Choice
A library holding error handling operations based on the either monad
A library holding error handling operations based on the either monad
Provides interoperability between optional types and JSON serialization.
A .NET Standard library of choice (general discriminated union) types.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Some monad implementations
A collection of monads for C# that provide some functional programming flavor.