Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

Provides the UnitOfWork pattern for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.
Provides the Repository pattern for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.
Provides the QueryBuilder pattern for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.
Provides AutoHistory utilities for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.
JSON support using System.Text.Json for Pomelo's MySQL provider for Entity Framework Core.
Entity Framework 6 (EF6) is a tried and tested object-relational mapper for .NET with many years of feature development and stabilization.
Microsoft Sql Server Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe core storage
MySql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe core storage
EntityFramework Extensions
Classes to serialize, deserialize OData JSON payloads. Supports OData v4 only. Enables construction of OData services via Entity Framework (Linq2Db) DataContext (with/without controller).
Classes bridge from ODataToEntity to Entity Framework Core. Abstraction layer access to DataContext Entity Framework Core.
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe core storage
SQLite Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe core storage
Support for store functions (table valued functions, scalar user defined functions and stored procedures) for Entity Framework 6.3.0+ Code First.
Entity Framework Core is a modern object-database mapper for .NET. It supports LINQ queries, change tracking, updates, and schema migrations. EF Core works with SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, SQLite, Azure Cosmos DB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and other databases through a provider plugin API. Commonly Us...
Package Description
MSSQL Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe SimpleContent commands and queries
PostgreSql Entity Framework Core implementation of cloudscribe SimpleContent commands and queries
Master-detail CRUD framework based on ASP.NET Core 8. It is prepared for developers to develop Entity Framework database managing applications.