Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.EventSourcing.EF
Extension methods supporting Entity Framework.
Имплементация слоя доступа к данным с помощью Entity Framework
EF6 implementation of Lr.Data. Lr.Data is a collection of base classes and extension methods written in C# to help build a data-layer for applications.
Entity Framework integration for JSONAPI.NET, including an EntityFrameworkMaterializer and ApiController to highly automate building JSON API web services from EF6+ data models.
Generic Services is a .NET class library to help build a service layer, i.e. a layer that acts as a facard/adapter between your data layers containing an Entity Framework database and your User Interface or HTTP service.
Add LocalDbContextFeature to your TestFixture (F2F.Testing.MSTest)
Unit tests Data Access implementations for Entity framework
Entity Framework 7 persistence layer for IdentityServer3
AspNet Identity 3 IUserService for IdentityServer3
Allow an easier way to connect to any database supported with the Enterprise Library (Ex. SQL Server, MySQL, etc).
LoopGen - Super Easy Way to Continuously Generate EntityFramework POCO code from Your MSSQL Database. Cloud Based Code Generator - Continuously generate .NET C# EntityFramework DbContext and POCO Objects from Your MSSQL Database. It’s super easy to use!! How It Works: - Create a unit test ...
Useful LightDataInterface extensions for WebApi.
Contains a modified branch of EF (DbModelStore) for improved startup performance. For further information, please read my blog post.
Set of classes that implement ambient db context for EF and db context lifecycle management. To contribute or for more information visit
Autofac resolver for DataOnion2. To contribute or for more information visit
Entity Framework-based persistence layer for IdentityServer3,with MySql
Infrastructure project setup for building modern enterprise applications using EntityFramework or Azure Table Storage.
A set of Cake aliases for Entity Framework code-first migrations.