Top 20 NuGet editor Packages

HorizonFramework Demo Project Editor dll, no source code, only for Win64 editor
Sample code for AvalonEdit the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop. Modify your App.xaml file so the StartupUri points to the AvalonEdit Sample window: StartupUri="/Samples/AvalonEdit/Window1.xaml"
Portuguese Language Pack for TinyMCE. TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB.
Adds a drop-down list of pre-defined "clips" (or "snips") that you can create to save time, such as intro or footer text.
The "fullscreen" mode is now a plugin on the toolbar to toggle full-window editing on and off.
CodeMirror key-mappings for Emacs and VIM
SPA Tools is a set of tools and frameworks to help creating modern web apps. This package contains a Editor widget : - Wysiwyg - Extensible - Low size
Displays the contents of the current Scene hierarchically and allows editing the Scene graph.
Provides an overview of project Resources and allows importing new Assets.
Allows editing the properties of selected objects.
The Help Advisor editor module provides mouseover information on documented topics.
The Golf Hole Editor package is an Umbraco data type for creating golf hole information. This data type could be used on a golf club website for displaying course information. An editor can configure each hole's tees and it's par, stroke index and distances. The data type can also accommodate for di...
Lua Script Plugin for Duality2D
This plugin provides UI Widgets and controllers.
Duality is a plugin based games development framework designed to be a minimal interface into which more specific or complex packages are "plugged in". Since Vorbis is used as Duality's primary audio compression mechanism, it has built in support for importing OGG Vorbis files. It does not provide a...
Module for managing Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation classes in the Sitecore Page/Experience editor
基于baidu UMeditor编写的Angular指令插件 开源:
Umbraco data type prevalue editor
Slickflow Designer is a process diagram editor based on BPMN style.