Top 20 NuGet extension Packages

A small collection of useful extension methods, utilities & helper classes.
default nhibernate session and config managments services for sql2005+ only
Json.Net extentions for string deserialization and object serialization
Helper methods targeting web classes
Some handy dotnet extension methods.
Entity Framework Repository, Unit of Work Interfaces and Abstract DbContextRepository, DbContextUnitOfWork derived from Interfaces.
.Net utils library
Extensions built on top of SimpleRest to provide value and even more ease of use for REST services for the SimpleRest platform.
Set of extension methods representing a lightweight orm and a migration framework, for use with Dapper.
Extensions created to support native authentication and authorization oAuth extensions.
System.Utilities.Web is a collection of helpers and extension methods for quickly solving and aiding with common .NET web related programming tasks.
Extension method(s)
PBDesk.Selenium.Extension C# Common & Useful Wrapper Utility Library over Selenium Web Drivers build for .Net 4/4.5/4.5.1
.NET Object Extension Library
.NET Utils Framework
BootstrapAdditions is a CSS extension kit for TwitterBootstrap 3
The project contains some of a very useful helpers and extension methods for .NET and SharePoint.
Qi4CS Extension: Functional is an extension of Qi4CS.Core that allows ways to parametrize some functionality, which is not part of original API of objects, based on types of such objects. This mapping information can be specified during assembly time and also modified during runtime.
Exor.Core is a simple, attribute-driven extension framework. Implemented as a PCL for cross-platform usage, Exor.Core allows you to define type mappings in a deferred manner, i.e. types defined in BaseModule can be subclassed in AddinModule and those subtypes loaded in respon...
The project contains some of a very useful helpers and extension methods for .NET and Web Applications.