Top 20 NuGet dynamic Packages
Firebend Auto Crud dynamic class generator used to create dynamic classes and assemblies

FormFactory.Templates - Install this to add the cshtml files into your project - MVC5 and AspNetCore Dynamic Forms Component Engine (shared component package)
FormFactory is a UI component engine for ASP.NET Core and MVC5. It reflects over your view models to build a component tree, then renders that according to customisable templates. Drive yuour views by convention instead of hard coding them.

FormFactory.AspMvc - Install this for .net451/MVC5 - MVC5 and AspNetCore Dynamic Forms Component Engine (shared component package)
FormFactory is a UI component engine for ASP.NET Core and MVC5. It reflects over your view models to build a component tree, then renders that according to customisable templates. Drive yuour views by convention instead of hard coding them.
Provides an environment to parse and execute scripts
Dynamic iOS-like blur of underlying Views for Android.
dotFramework Dynamic Query Builder
Nuget Package for Ingeniux InSite Search Dynamic Execute Components.
This package works with Ingeniux Dynamic Site Server RTAPI v10.4 only. Do not install this package on projects using any other
versions of Dynamic Site Server RTAPI.
Hisoka is a framework agnostic tool to execute dynamic paginating, filtering and sorting with IQueryable types
Dynmanic Components for Blazor
FormFactory is a UI component engine for ASP.NET Core and MVC5. It reflects over your view models to build a component tree, then renders that according to customisable templates. Drive yuour views by convention instead of hard coding them.
Dynamically attached object properties.
A dynamic lazy proxy is a class built in real time, that implemenets some interface T, takes to the constructor an argument Lazy of T and routes all invocations to the corresponding method or property of this argument.
The real instance wrapped by Lazy of T is created only after the first invocation...
Lazy injection for Autofac container
This package has been deprecated. Please use this instead:
A .NET 6+ library that integrates GraphQL and Entity Framework Core with minimal effort
dotFramework Dynamic Query Builder for SqlServer
# This package is deprecated (no longer maintained)
Use System.Linq.Dynamic.Core instead
- Dynamic Linq:
- Dynamic Linq (EF Core):
- Dynamic Linq (EF 6): https://www.nug...
Slapper.AutoMapper is a mapping library that can convert dynamic data into static types and populate complex nested child objects.
.net core queryable Rest API using System.Linq.Dynamic