Top 20 NuGet dto Packages

.NET library for mapping to and from contract types using Max and Entity Framework 6.
DtoGen is a simple generator for Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and conversion methods between original objects and DTOs. You can exclude some properties from the class that are not needed in the DTO and also perform renaming and simple conversions.
jQuery DataTable DTO
Dtos for StandardDot
A simple helper for data-transformation between the software layer
Data Transfer Objects used by projects developed by AJ Tatum.
Library to all common DTO's to use in Mobile and Web apps
Validations is a simple framework which contains a set of components responsable for validating any kind of objects through a set of rules named "Operations".
A collection of Data Transfer Objects created by Guys and St Thomas NHS Trust for use across all trusts and partners.
Dapper implementation of the RedRocket Persistence Framework
Generate data transfer object (DTO) classes from simple T4 templates. Reduce amount of boilerplate code you need to write. Let Visual Studio's T4 templating engine do the work for you.
Support for integration with MiniProfiler
This library allows automatic instance creation of presentation objects given associated business objects. The mapping is configured through custom attributes. The complex properties can automatically be retrieved or only retrieved when specified by the user via Linq expressions. Reflection is used...
Injection List and object
A convention based and old school 'solve it with plain code' approach to mapping a Model object to a Dto object using code generation.
.NET library for mapping to and from contract types using Max.
Object to object fast mapper.
A collection of Data Transfer Objects