Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

The .Net library for integrating with the Zoho Books API.
Yaaf.DependencyInjection is a simple abstraction layer over a (simple) dependency injection library.
Yaaf.Sasl is a SASL .net library.
Twilio Wrapper Library is just written for the purpose to bring a new level of ease to the developers who deal with Twilio integration with ThinQ LCR system. Note that you will need a valid LCR Account with thinQ before using the libraries. For more information please contact your thinQ Sales repre...
Falcor router implementation for .NET Framework
Owin extensions for falcor router implementation for .NET Framework
A common library of simple helpers
Consul Rset Api dotnet Client
Xnapshot enables you to use C#, together with Xamarin.UITest, to automatically take app screenshots for you. Just derive from the abstract Screenshots class, implement one method per screenshot and use your time productively while your computer takes the screenshots.
AspNetCore.VersionedAssets allows you to easily version your static assets
The library implements recorder and player of HTTP requests. When recording, a request to a remote service and its live response are serialized to JSON and saved to a file (cassette), so that next time the same request is made through the player it can be served with the previously recorded response...
Logging abstractions to support multiple storage providers.
Base class library for AWS DynamoDB (.Net Core).
Simple JSON Parser/Serializer (.Net Core).
J3DI is a Domain-Driven Design framework for .NET Core and is intended to be minimalistic & cross-platform. This package, J3DI.Domain, is the foundation and may be used stand-alone.
C# core class library (.Net Core).
C# base class library (.Net Core).
C# time utility library (.Net Core).
Command line tool to convert xml .net documentation in Markdown