Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Swarm is a distributed scheduled job framework, based on Quartz.
Dotnet new template for a Bot Builder SDK v4 Echo Bot
Dotnet new template for a Bot Builder SDK v4 Basic Bot
AnyCache .Net and .Net Core InMemmory caching provider.
A dotnet cli tool for printing newline delimited json to the console
GOTO compiler for .NET.
Class library for .NET. Provides extension logic for WAV files.
.NET Core Global Tool: cross-platform Avalonia-based GUI Snow demo
.NET Standard unit test project template Install with command dotnet new -i "Zahasoft.Skele.UnitTest.Fsharp" or dotnet new -i "Zahasoft.Skele::*" for all my templates.
PushNotification is a framework for Notification .NET applications. Handle Push Notifications. Across iOS, Android and UWP from a single API.
Plato.Security .NET Core library
Plato.Radis .NET Core library
Plato.Cache .NET Core library
Decoupling & Utilities Framework
A quick consistent way of zipping and unzipping between linx-x64/win-x64/osx-x64 :)
Visual Reactive is a Library for .NET platform (Currently Winforms), that is inspired by functional reactive programming React JS. Reactive programming is a paradigm that allows you to express the idea around a feature in one readable place, abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces and ...
dotbpe.rpc is a lightweight and high performance, easy to learn rpc framework
net standard library that can generate a changelog based on the git history
Includes template with xUnit test class and a data class.